Our food bank is nearly out of cereal. Donations of regular size boxes would be much appreciated. (Family size boxes are harder for clients to transport home so we prefer the smaller, regular size boxes.) All food donations can be dropped off to our main office Monday to Friday 9:30 to 3:30. Thank you for Read More
Category: Announcements
Office and thrift store closed for Victoria Day
Our office will be closed Monday, May 22. Whether you’re spending your long weekend at camp, in the garden, or catching up on some binge-watching, we hope you enjoy it!
[RESOLVED] We’re Having Facebook Trouble
*This is now resolved! Thank you for your patience* Please note that we are currently having trouble with our Facebook page, so it is not visible at this time. If you normally stay up to date with what we’ve got going on via Facebook, please check this site daily instead. We will do our best Read More
Order your St. Vincent Place Merch Today!
Show your support for St. Vincent Place with a shirt, hoodie, or hat! Order through our online store, courtesy of SK Group, until Sunday, May 7. Click here to start shopping!
Thank you to all our volunteers!
To wrap up National Volunteer Week, we want to send a special thank you to each and every one of our volunteers, without whom we would not be able to function. Our volunteers put in hundreds of hours every week here at St. Vincent Place. To put it into perspective, if we paid our volunteers Read More
Food Bank Running Low on Food
With a recent sharp decline in the food donations coming in, paired with a sharp increase in the number of clients accessing our food bank, we are currently running low on all items. All donations of nonperishables will be greatly appreciated. We are in particular need of the following items, as they are our staples: Read More
St. Vincent Place Closed Good Friday
Please note that St. Vincent Place offices and thrift store will be closed Friday, April 7 for Good Friday. We will reopen for usual operations on Monday, April 10. We wish everyone a very pleasant Easter!
Current Food Bank Needs
Our food bank is currently running low on the following items. If you can help by donating some, we would be very grateful. Any donations can be dropped off Monday to Friday 9:30 to 3:30. peanut butter crackers canned meat juice crystals pork & beans Mr. Noodles Kraft Dinner
St. Vincent Place has launched The Period Pantry
St. Vincent Place is excited to launch our new Period Pantry program, supplying menstrual products to those in need. This program can be accessed through the food bank (Wednesdays 4:30 to 7 and Saturdays 11:30 to 2), but clients do not need to request a full food package to receive menstrual products. While regular food Read More
2022 Christmas Hours
Thank you for your support throughout 2022. Our thrift store and main office will be closing at 1pm on December 23, reopening the morning of January 3. The last food bank and soup kitchen of the year will be on December 21. They will reopen on January 4.