The Food Bank is open:
Wednesdays 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Saturdays 11:30 am to 2:00 pm
What are the requirements to receive food from the food bank?
Anyone can request assistance through our food bank. No referral from an outside agency is required.
Clients can only access our food bank once every two months. We encourage those needing more frequent assistance to alternate between our food bank and the Salvation Army.
If you require more assistance during that period, have a case manager (such as Ontario Works worker) fax a request to St. Vincent Place.
When you come to the food bank, please ensure that you have proper identification for all members of the household, such as a driver's license, status card etc.
For more info about what to expect when accessing our food bank, check out our detailed info here.
Student Food Bank Access
St. Vincent Place has developed partnerships with the Sault College and Algoma University food banks to alleviate the increasing pressure on community food banks.
Single students or couples without children (whether one or both individuals are students) must access their campus food bank. This is now the case whether or not the student has previously accessed our food bank. If the campus food bank determines that the student requires more assistance than it is able to offer, they can get in touch with us to refer the student to our food bank.
Students with children will still be able to access our food bank per our usual access requirements (e.g., once every two months, ID required).
Consider running a food drive on behalf of the St. Vincent Place Food Bank. Here is some advice on running a successful food drive.