Do you have a group of volunteers interested in serving a meal in our soup kitchen? We’ve got a slot open on April 30 for you! Here’s how it works: each day, a different team is responsible for planning, purchasing, and preparing the soup kitchen meal. You’ll decide what you’d like to cook, purchase what Read More
Thrift Store Holiday Hours
Our thrift store will be closed from December 24 to January 5, inclusive. We will reopen on January 6. We will be unable to accept donations while closed. Please do not leave donations at the door over the holidays. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Food bank holiday hours
Our food bank will be closed from December 25 to January 1. If your next scheduled eligibility falls within these dates, you’ll be able to receive your package on either December 18 or 21, so please plan accordingly. The soup kitchen will also be closed during this period.
Soup Kitchen Christmas Dinner
Our soup kitchen will be serving Christmas dinner on December 18, take-out style as usual. Because we will have a limited number of meals, clients will not be able to take a meal for someone who isn’t present. Many thanks to everyone who has and will contribute, including O’Sullivan’s Funeral Home for donating turkeys and Read More
Thrift store not currently accepting donations
Our store is currently overloaded with donations, so we are unable to accept anything until further notice. We appreciate the generosity of the community and your understanding as we work through our backlog. We’ll repost when we can accept again.
Sign up to volunteer for the Big Blue Food Drive!
Do you want to help make sure the Big Blue Food Drive is a success? We’re now recruiting volunteers for the event. Learn more about what each role involves and sign up for the one(s) you’d like to help with at
Friday bag sale!
Stop into our thrift store from 11AM to 3PM on Friday, June 28 for a bag sale! Fill one of our bags with clothes for just $2! Sale Conditions:-customer must use bag provided by store staff/volunteers-sale applies to clothing only-contents of bag must be within the bag, not overflowing
ISO volunteers for Help Us Can Hunger food drive
As you may have seen, St. Vincent Place is teaming up with the Soup Kitchen Community Centre to run the Help Us Can Hunger food drive. We’re in need of some volunteers to help out on June 13 and 14, as outlined below. (Learn more about the food drive here.) On June 13, we’re looking for Read More
May 10 to 15 Thrift Store Sales
New weekly sales start today! From May 10 to 15, get half off jackets pants & capris Stop in Monday to Friday 11am to 3pm to get some good deals on these and many other products!
May 3 to 8 Thrift Store Sale
Our thrift store is running a new sale starting every Friday! From May 3 to 8, get half off: women’s dresses, skirts, capris and shorts men’s t-shirts and shorts Stop in Monday to Friday 11am to 3pm to freshen up your wardrobe!