Do you have a group of volunteers interested in serving a meal in our soup kitchen? We’ve got a slot open on April 30 for you!
Here’s how it works: each day, a different team is responsible for planning, purchasing, and preparing the soup kitchen meal. You’ll decide what you’d like to cook, purchase what you need, then bring it here on the day of your turn to prepare it and package it up to be given out at the door. (We provide the to-go containers.) You get access to our kitchen from about 12:30pm on and meals need to be packaged and ready to go when the soup kitchen doors open at 4:30pm. We ask the teams to prepare 150 meals.
We recommend a team of about 5-7 volunteers, but it can be done with more or less. If you’ve got access to an APH-approved kitchen, you can prepare the meal off-site.
If you’ve got a team ready to help, but no way to purchase the food, get in touch. We can help with that.
This is a great opportunity to help the community without committing to further meals, or to test the waters if you’re interested in coming on board as a regular team for 2026!
To learn more or sign up, get in touch with Sara at or 705-253-2770 ext. 202.